be naughty, misbehave, (hovor.) be acting up
Be good!, Don't be naughty!, Behave yourself!
biː gʊd!ˌ dəʊnt biː ˈnɔːtɪ!ˌ bɪˈheɪv jɔːˈsεlf!
Zlobili celou dobu.
They misbehaved the whole time.
Televize nějak zlobí.
The TV is acting up., The TV is playing up.
Zlobí mě noha.
I have a bad leg., My leg is playing up.
zlobit se na koho
be angry at/with sb , be mad at sb
biː ˈæŋgrɪˌ biː mæd
Zlobíš se na mě kvůli...?
Are you mad with me because of...?
ɑː juː mæd wɪθ miː bɪˈkɒz əv?
Nezlobte se na něj.
Don't be angry with him.
Nezlobte se, že vás obtěžuji, ale...
I'm sorry to bother you but...
aɪm ˈsɒrɪ tə ˈbɒðə juː bət