1co (vzdálenost ap.) walk, cover sth
Takovou dálku neujdu.
I can't walk that far.
Ušla celou trasu.
She walked the whole route.
Ušli jsme 50 km za den.
We covered 50 km a day.
2(být obstojný) be passable/OK, be not (so) bad
To ujde! (celkem dobrý)
That's not bad!
Oběd celkem ušel.
The lunch was so-so.
Jak se máš? – Ujde to.
How are you? – Not so bad.
3(uniknout) escape, (pneumatika ap.) go down, deflate
Pneumatika ušla.
The tyre went down., The tyre deflated.
Uchází nám zadní pneumatika.
Our rear tyre is going down., Our rear tyre is losing air.
Z potrubí uchází plyn.
Gas is leaking from the pipe.
Nenechte si to ujít!
Don't miss it!
I'll pass on that.
To mi (nějak) ušlo.
I (somehow) missed it., It escaped my notice.
Tobě opravdu nic neujde!
You don't miss a trick!, You have eyes in the back of your head!
Neujdou trestu.
They won't get away with it/go unpunished/escape punishment.
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