bavit se

enjoy osf, have fun/a good time, (mluvit) talk

Dobře se bavte!
Have fun!, Enjoy yourselves!
hæv fʌn!ˌ ɪnˈdʒɔɪ jɔːˈsεlvz!
Bavíš se dobře?
Are you enjoying yourself?, Are you having fun?
ɑː juː ɪnˈdʒɔɪɪŋ jɔːˈsεlf?ˌ ɑː juː hævɪŋ fʌn?
Baví se tím, že hrají...
They entertain themselves by playing...
ðeɪ ˌεntəˈteɪn ðəmˈsεlvz baɪ pleɪŋ
Bavili jsme se o tobě.
We talked about you.
wiː tɔːkt əˈbaʊt juː
O tom se (teď) nebudeme bavit.
Let's not discuss this now.
lεts nɒt dɪˈskʌs ðɪs naʊ
Nebavíme se spolu.
We are not on speaking terms.
wiː ɑː nɒt ɒn ˈspiːkɪŋ tɜːmz
bavit se na čí účet
make fun of sb, have fun at sb's expense
meɪk fʌnˌ hæv fʌn æt ɪkˈspεns