
not (even), (též ne) nor

ani... ani...
neither ... nor ...
ˈnaɪðə ... nɔː
ani ty ani já
neither you nor me
ˈnaɪðə juː nɔː miː
ani v nejmenším
not in the least, not a bit
nɒt ɪn ðə liːstˌ nɒt ə bɪt
ani trochu/trošku
not a bit, (hovor.) not one iota
nɒt ə bɪtˌ nɒt wʌn aɪˈəʊtə
ani ne (nijak zvlášť)
not really, not particularly
nɒt ˈrɪəlɪˌ nɒt pəˈtɪkjʊləlɪ
ani jeden (jediný)
not a single one
nɒt ə ˈsɪŋgl wʌn
ani jednou
not once, not a single time
nɒt wʌnsˌ nɒt ə ˈsɪŋgl taɪm
Nejí ani nepije.
He doesn't drink, nor eat.
hɪ ˈdʌznt drɪŋkˌ nɔː iːt
Ani se nerozloučila!
She didn't even say goodbye!
ʃɪ ˈdɪdnt ˈiːvn seɪ ˌgʊdˈbaɪ!
Ani mě nenapadne!, Ani nápad!
No way!, Not likely!, You wouldn't catch me doing that!
nəʊ weɪ!ˌ nɒt ˈlaɪklɪ!ˌ juː ˈwʊdnt kætʃ miː ˈduːɪŋ ðæt!
Ani za nic!
No way!, Not for all the tea in China.
nəʊ weɪ!ˌ nɒt fə ɔːl ðə tiː ɪn ˈtʃaɪnə
Ani se neptej!
Oh, you don't wanna know!, Don't ask!
əʊˌ juː dəʊnt ˈwɒnə nəʊ!ˌ dəʊnt ɑːsk!
Nemá ani tušení.
He doesn't have the slightest idea.
hɪ ˈdʌznt hæv ðə ˈslaɪtɪst aɪˈdɪə
Je pryč ani ne hodinu.
He has been gone for less than an hour.
hɪ hæz bɪn gɒn fə lεs ðæn ən aʊə
Ani bych neřekl/se nedivil.
I wouldn't say so/be surprised.
aɪ ˈwʊdnt seɪ səʊ/biː səˈpraɪzd
Nebyl jsem tam, ani nepamatuju.
I haven't been there for ages.
aɪ ˈhævnt bɪn ðεə fə eɪdʒɪz
ani za mák, ani co by se za nehet vešlo
not one iota, (form.) not a/one whit
nɒt wʌn aɪˈəʊtəˌ nɒt ə/wʌn wɪt