must, (opis) have to, (have) got to
Musím už jít.
I (have) got to go., (hovor.) I gotta go.
aɪ (hæv) gɒt tə gəʊˌ aɪ ˈgɒtə gəʊ
Musím (jít) na záchod.
I have to go to the bathroom., I need to use the bathroom.
aɪ hæv tə gəʊ tə ðə ˈbɑːθˌruːmˌ aɪ niːd tə juːz ðə ˈbɑːθˌruːm
Musíte mi věřit.
You must trust me.
Opravdu musím přijít?
Do I really have to come?
Musel jsem se smát.
I couldn't help laughing.
Musel bych jet stopem.
I would have to hitchhike.
Musím na to pořád myslet.
I have to think about it all the time.
Nemusíš čekat.
You don't have to wait., You needn't wait.
Budeš tam muset (za)jít.
You will have to go there.
Nemuselo se to stát, kdyby...
It didn't have to happen if...
ɪt ˈdɪdnt hæv tə ˈhæpn ɪf
Nemusí to být nutně odborník.
It doesn't necessarily have to be an expert.
Nemusíte nic říkat.
You needn't say anything.
To se musí zažít.
You have to experience it.
To nemusí být hned.
It doesn't have to be now.
Něco se mu muselo stát.
Something must have happened to him.
To muselo být něco!
It must have been something!
To se mu musí nechat...
You have to hand it to him.
To nemuselo být!
That wasn't necessary!
To jste nemusel! (o daru ap.)
Oh, you shouldn't have!
(Tak) To nemusím! (díky nechci)
I'll pass on that (one).
aɪl pɑːs ɒn ðæt (wʌn)