throw down, (z letadla ap.) drop sth , (strčit) push sb down, (srazit) knock sb down
Shodil jsem ho (na zem).
I bowled him over, I pushed him down.
Neshoď ze stolu ten hrnek.
Don't knock down the mug from the table.
Shodila mě do bazénu.
She pushed me in the pool.
Shodili tři bomby na...
They dropped three bombs on...
ðeɪ drɒpt θriː bɒmz ɒn
Potřebuji shodit (na váze).
I need to lose (some) weight.
Shodila už deset kilo.
She has lost ten kilos.
Shodil mě před přáteli. (ponížil)
He put me down in front of my friends.
Dost se tím shodil. (ztrapnil ap.)
He quite demeaned himself.