1(úplně zaplatit) co pay (up) (the rest of sth ), (připlatit si) pay sth extra
Kdo to doplatí?
Who's gonna pay the rest?
Budete muset doplatit deset eur.
You'll have to pay ten euros extra.
Ti se nedoplatí!
They'll pay through the nose!
2(utrpět újmu) na co pay, suffer for sth , suffer the consequences of sth
Na tohle doplatíš.
You'll pay for this.
Doplatil na svou nepozornost životem.
He paid for his inattention with his life.
Kdo doplatí na globální oteplování?
Who will suffer the consequences of global warming?
Nejvíc na to doplatil on.
He's the biggest loser.