
risk, run a risk/gamble, take chances

Ty riskuješ.
You are taking chances.
juː ɑː ˈteɪkɪŋ tʃænsɪz
Riskuje propuštění.
He runs the risk of being sacked.
hɪ rʌnz ðə rɪsk əv ˈbiːɪŋ sækt
Riskneme to.
Let's take a chance., Let's risk it.
lεts teɪk ə tʃɑːnsˌ lεts rɪsk ɪt
Tím nic neriskuješ.
You are not risking anything.
juː ɑː nɒt rɪskɪŋ ˈεnɪˌθɪŋ