knit, (z proutí ap.) weave, (zatahovat) co do čeho mix
Plete si sama svetry.
She knits her own sweaters.
Nepleť mě!
Stop confusing me!
Mě do toho nepleť.
Leave me out of this.
liːv miː aʊt əv ðɪs
Co to sem pleteš?
What does this have to do with it?
Už sotva pletu nohama.
I can hardly stand on my feet.
Upletl jsem si na sebe bič.
I've made a rod for my own back.
plést si koho/co s kým/čím
confuse, mix up sb/sth with sb/sth , mistake sth for sth
kənˈfjuːzˌ mɪks ʌpˌ mɪˈsteɪk
Plete si jednotlivá slovíčka.
He confuses individual words.
Nepleťte si hardware a software.
Don't confuse hardware with software.
Lidé si ho často pletou s jinými...
People often mix him up with other...
ˈpiːpl ˈɒftn mɪks hɪm ʌp wɪθ ˈʌðə
S někým si mě musíte plést.
You must be confusing me with someone.