carry, (i plody ap.) bear, (přinášet) bring
Ponesu to.
I'll carry that., Let me carry that.
aɪl ˈkærɪ ðætˌ lεt miː ˈkærɪ ðæt
Nesu špatné zprávy.
I am bringing bad news.
Kniha nese název...
The book has the title...
ðə bʊk hæz ðə ˈtaɪtl
Nenesu za to žádnou odpovědnost.
I bear no responsibility for it.
Kdo ponese riziko?
Who will bear the risk?
To s sebou ponese další náklady.
That will involve additional costs.
Jejich snahy nesou ovoce.
Their efforts bear fruit.
Hazard dobře nese. (vynáší)
Gambling is a money-maker.
Jak to nese? (snáší strasti)
How is he coping?, How does he cope (with it)?