
defend sb from sb/sth, (zabraňovat) impede sth, prevent sb from doing sth

Bránili svoji vlast.
They defended their country.
ðeɪ dɪˈfεndɪd ðεə ˈkʌntrɪ
Nic ti v tom nebrání.
You are free to do it.
juː ɑː friː tə dʊ ɪt
Nebraň mi v tom.
Don't try to stop me from doing it.
dəʊnt traɪ tə stɒp miː frɒm ˈduːɪŋ ɪt
Bráníš mi ve výhledu.
You are blocking my view.
juː ɑː ˈblɒkɪŋ maɪ vjuː
Bránili mu ve vstupu do...
They prevented him from entering the...
ðeɪ prɪˈvεntɪð hɪm frɒm ˈεntərɪŋ ðə
Rodiče jí bránili, aby se stala...
Her parents discouraged her from becoming...
hə ˈpεərənts dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒd hə frɒm bɪˈkʌmɪŋ