
(tiše) quietly, (mluvit) in a low/quiet voice, (nehlučně) noiselessly

Buď potichu!
Be quiet!
biː ˈkwaɪət!
Potichu prošel chodbou...
He quietly walked through the hallway...
hɪ ˈkwaɪətlɪ wɔːkt θruː ðə ˈhɔːlˌweɪ
Řekla to potichu.
She said it in a low voice.
ʃɪ sεd ɪt ɪn ə ləʊ vɔɪs
Pusť to, ale (jen) potichu.
Switch it on but keep it down.
swɪtʃ ɪt ɒn bət kiːp ɪt daʊn