
kudy go/walk/pass/get through sth, (bez trestu ap.) get away with sth

Pojďme se projít.
Let's go for a walk.
lεts gəʊ fɔː ə wɔːk
Projdi si to ještě jednou.
Go through it one more time.
gəʊ θruː ɪt wʌn mɔː taɪm
Neprojde to dveřmi.
It won't pass through the door.
ɪt wəʊnt pɑːs θruː ðə dɔː
Kulka mu prošla hlavou.
The bullet went/passed through his head.
ðə ˈbʊlɪt wεnt/pɑːst θruː hɪz hεd
Návrh zákona prošel. (parlamentem)
The bill got through.
ðə bɪl gɒt θruː
Musíte projít povinnou lékařskou prohlídkou.
You must pass an obligatory medical examination.
juː mʌst pɑːs ən ɒˈblɪgətərɪ ˈmεdɪkl ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʃən
To ti neprojde.
You won't get away with this.
juː wəʊnt gεt əˈweɪ wɪθ ðɪs
Prošlo mu to snadno.
He got off lightly.
hɪ gɒt ɒf ˈlaɪtlɪ
Prošel jsem těžkým obdobím.
I've been through a tough period/bad run.
aɪv bɪn θruː ə tʌf ˈpɪərɪəd/bæd rʌn
Nech si to projít hlavou.
Think it over.
θɪŋk ɪt ˈəʊvə