1(dovolit) komu co permit, allow sb to do sth , let sb do sth
To nepovolím.
I won't allow it.
Není to povoleno.
It is not allowed.
Kdo to povolil?
Who authorized that?
Povolili mi jednu návštěvu.
I was permitted one visit.
Překročil jste povolenou rychlost.
You exceeded the speed limit., You were speeding.
juː ɪkˈsiːdɪd ðə spiːd ˈlɪmɪtˌ juː wɜː spiːdɪŋ
2(uvolnit) loosen, (sval, stisk ap.) slacken, relax sth , (pod náporem ap.) give way
Povolte spojku.
Engage the clutch., Release the clutch.
Povol ruční brzdu.
Release the handbrake.
Povolil jsem šrouby.
I loosened the screws.
Musela si povolit pásek.
She had to loosen her belt.
Ty dveře nepovolí. (ani se nehnou)
The door won't budge.
Dveře nakonec povolily. (šly otevřít)
The door finally gave way.
Povolili v úsilí.
They slackened their efforts.
Povolily mu nervy.
He snapped., He lost his nerve(s).
povolit uzdu/opratě čemu
loosen the reins of sth , unbridle sth
ˈluːsn ðə reɪnzˌ ʌnˈbraɪdl