obrátit se, obracet se
turn (around), (vzhůru nohama ap.) turn over, na koho (o radu ap.) turn to sb
Na koho bych se měl obrátit?
Who should I turn to?
huː ʃʊd aɪ tɜːn tuː?
S dotazy se obracejte na...
Address your queries to...
əˈdrεs jɔː ˈkwɪərɪz tə
Celé se to obrátilo proti mně.
It all backfired on me., It all blew up in my face.
Obrátil se ke mně zády.
He turned his back on me.
Karta se obrátila.
The tide has turned., The tables are turned.
Ten se musí obracet v hrobě.
He is/must be turning in his grave.
hɪ ɪz/mʌst biː ˈtɜːnɪŋ ɪn hɪz greɪv