
Čtěte nahlas a přeložte.

1 He's a learner of English.
2 What's your name?
3 Let me introduce myself.
4 My name is ...
5 I'm not from here.
6 Where are you from?
7 Is there anybody here?
8 Are they waiting for me?
9 That's my sister's car.
10 There are many foreigners here.
11 How much is it?
12 That's not true!
13 What will you do?
14 Shall we go?
15 Can you help us?
16 We can't wait.
17 You'll have to ask him.
18 Have some!
19 I hope not.
20 I have to go.

Napište anglicky celými slovy číselné údaje.

1 45 children
2 267 people
3 876.7
4 16.78
5 3.06
6 86.05
7 2,568
8 17,999.5
9 376,750
10 14,064,559

V angličtině lze vyslovovat vyšší číslovky i pomocí násobku celých stovek, a to i pro čísla nad 2000. Např. 1,200 - twelve hundred, 2,500 - twenty-five hundred ap. Místo slova number se před číslem často píše No. či no.

Napište věty, které uslyšíte.


Spojte výroky. Naučte se názvy zemí a pojmenování jejich příslušníků.

  • 1 John is English.
  • 2 Lucia is Spanish.
  • 3 Ivan is Russian.
  • 4 Helga and Kurt are German.
  • 5 Bob and Jane are American.
  • 6 Keiko is Japanese.
  • 7 Cheng is Chinese.
  • 8 Luis and Jean are French.
  • 9 Mark and Alison are Irish.
  • 10 Paolo and Valeria are Italian.
  • a They're from Ireland.
  • b He's from China.
  • c They're from Germany.
  • d He's from England.
  • e They're from Italy.
  • f She's from Spain.
  • g They're from the USA.
  • h He's from Russia.
  • i They're from France.
  • j She's from Japan.

Další národnosti a státní příslušníky si můžete najít ve slovníku. Nestandardní jsou ale například: dánský - Danish ˈdeɪnɪʃ, ale Dán je Dane deɪn, španělský - Spanish spænɪʃ, ale Španěl je Spaniard ˈspænjəd. My ale už víme, že: “Je to Španěl.” lze říct jednoduše pomocí adjektiva: He's Spanish. Stačí si uvědomit, kdy užít anglické podstatné jméno a kdy adjektivum.

Doplňte podle kontextu správná zájmena.

1 There's my brother. Go ask .
2 My sister is going out tonight. I'm going with .
3 Our dog is hungry. We must give some food.
4 Call your parents and ask . They'll tell you.
5 Here's your milk. Drink now!
6 We aren't ready. Can you wait for ?
7 Who's that boy? What's name?
8 Our kids are too young. We can't take with us.
9 Can I speak to , John?
10 Look. There's Bob's sister! No, that's not . She has dark hair.
11 We must know this. Please, let know.
12 I need to speak with him. Tell him to call .

Need to se užívá i jako muset (nutnost plynoucí z okolností). Např.: You need to stop it. - Musíš toho nechat., You need to listen to me. - Musíš mě poslouchat.

Uspořádejte slova do vět podle běžného anglického slovosledu.

1 speak - to - need - I - you - to.
2 long - it - take - will - how?
3 her - tell - about - don't - it!
4 you - the - tonight - coming - party - to - are?
5 will - I - it - tell - tomorrow - him - about.
6 your - do - homework - when - you - will?
7 back - will - we - be - about - six - at - p.m.
8 like - weather - is - what - the - today?

Doplňte do věty vhodné tvary slovesa be v přítomném čase.

1 Peter, you coming to the party tonight?
2 There lots of children.
3 What going on?
4 I must hurry. My children waiting for me.
5 these books yours?
6 I not afraid of you.
7 Our children too young for that.
8 Water good for you.
9 I right? No, you wrong!
10 Why you laughing?
11 How much money there? There 15 dollars.
12 It true! He lying!

Do you get the joke? - Rozumíte vtipu? (Můžete užít slovník.): I have 10 legs, 8 arms and 3 heads. What am I? - A liar!

Doplňte podle nápovědy správné tvary přivlastňovacích zájmen.

1 What's that girl's name? she name is Jane.
2 You can't have it. It isn't you .
3 There are many parents with they children.
4 It'll be at our house, not they .
5 Is that your dog? What's it name?
6 He can't call you. he phone isn't working.
7 The kids are hungry. They want they food.
8 I phone isn't working. Can I use you ?
9 He's a good friend of I .
10 We want something for we children.

Vyberte vhodné slovo.

1 How much/old/tall is your dad? – He's 43.
2 Which/Who/What are you looking for? – I'm looking for you.
3 How much/many/little people will there be?
4 My sister is six feet long/tall/big.
5 What book are you watching/looking/reading?
6 I'm looking/seeing/watching TV now.
7 There will be not/no/any foreigners.
8 Don't lie! Tell me the true/truth/right.
9 Will you get/let/give me know?
10 I'm making/doing/putting my best. It'll be ready in/at/on 30 minutes.
11 We're leaving/going/walking out tonight.
12 We'll meet in/at/on my place in/at/on 6 p.m.
13 Come for/to/on! We must hurry. We'll be late in/for/to school.
14 Is it long/far/short from here?. No, you can walk there.

Jít pěšky lze anglicky říct prostě jen walk, nebo také go on foot (jít na noze).

Doplňte do věty much nebo many.

1 How money will you need?
2 There won't be people.
3 They've got kids and very little time.
4 There isn't milk here.
5 That's too information.
6 How luggage have you got?
7 How friends are coming?
8 Hurry up. There isn't time.
9 How is this car?
10 There are too cars.

Doplňte do věty záporné stažené tvary slovesa be v přítomném čase.

1 I ready.
2 She my sister.
3 My brother here.
4 His parents glad.
5 There any kids.
6 This book mine.
7 We very happy.
8 There many foreigners there.
9 There any money.
10 Why you at school?
11 English phrases easy.

Utvořte otázky. Ptejte se na zvýrazněná slova.

1 John is leaving tomorrow.
2 He's reading a book.
3 Jane is still sleeping.
4 I'm writing an e-mail.
5 They're playing a game.
6 We're going on holiday.
7 Jane and Bob are coming.
8 Mark is visiting his friend.
9 I'm watching a film on TV.
10 I'm not listening to you.
11 My friends are having fun.
12 We're going out tonight.

Doplňte určité a neurčité členy, kde jsou třeba.

1 Jane is nice girl. She's British.
2 Bob is American. He has house in USA.
3 British are nice people.
4 The Thames is river in Britain.
5 There's lot of water in sea.
6 Can I have little water?
7 There are ten cats in house.
8 She's good friend of mine.
9 Jean is French. He's French student.
10 My friends are Irish. They're from Ireland.
11 I'll take taxi to work.

Taxík (taxi) se též nazývá cab kæb, což je původní název pro drožku. Metro v britské angličtině je the underground ˈʌndəˌgraʊnd (podzemka) a londýnskému metru se říká the tube tjuːb. Let's take the tube. tedy v Londýně znamená “Pojedeme metrem.” V USA říkají metru subway ˈsʌbˌweɪ, ale v Británii je subway podchod!

Spojte otázky a reakce.

  • 1 Am I disturbing you?
  • 2 What time will you be back?
  • 3 Shall we walk?
  • 4 Who are you looking for?
  • 5 Are you going on holiday?
  • 6 Is he American?
  • 7 How long will it take?
  • 8 What will you drink?
  • a No, we'll take a taxi.
  • b Yes, we're going to the seaside.
  • c It'll be ready tomorrow.
  • d No, come in!
  • e No, I think he's British.
  • f I need to speak to Mr Brown.
  • g I'll leave that to you.
  • h At about half past six.

Zapamatujte si užitečný obrat: I'll leave that to you. - To nechám na vás. Podobně: Leave that to me. - Nech(te) to na mě.

Doplňte some, nebo any.

1 We need time.
2 Can I have water?
3 Are there kids here?
4 There aren't people.
5 Can you give me money?
6 We haven't got milk.
7 Have you got pets?
8 of them are students.
9 I can't see children.
10 Can he speak foreign languages?

Převeďte věty z času přítomného do budoucího prostého.

1 They are going on holiday.
2 He isn't sleeping at home.
3 My mum is making dinner.
4 I'm leaving in ten minutes.
5 We are meeting at my place.
6 He's not afraid.
7 We aren't at home.
8 When are we leaving?
9 What are you doing?
10 Who's coming?
11 I can't come.
12 We must do it.

Řekněte anglicky. Použijte nápovědu.

1 Angličtina je snadná. easy
2 Učím se anglicky. learn
3 Neumím anglicky. speak
4 Pomůžeš mi? help
5 Posloucháš mě? listen
6 Kdy odjíždíš? leave
7 Je málo času. little
8 Je něco k jídlu? anything to eat
9 Kde se sejdeme? meet
10 Jsou tam nějaké děti? any
11 Nejsou tam žádní lidé. no
12 Dám mu vědět. let know
13 Kolik je hodin? what time
14 Kdy přijedou? arrive
15 Já nespím! sleep

Spát je anglicky to sleep, ale běžně lze užít i obrat be asleep əˈsliːp. Lze říct: He's sleeping., nebo He's asleep., Are you sleeping? nebo Are you asleep?

Spojte související výroky.

  • 1 Grass in spring is
  • 2 Bananas are
  • 3 Chocolate is
  • 4 The sky at night is
  • 5 Good tomatoes are
  • 6 The sea is
  • 7 Oranges are
  • 8 Snow is
  • a brown.
  • b white.
  • c red.
  • d orange.
  • e yellow.
  • f green.
  • g blue.
  • h black.

Doplňte slovo opačného významu.

1 English is easy, but Japanese is .
2 My brother is little and I am .
3 I'm cold and she's . I'm tall and she's .
4 Now we are young, but we'll be too.
5 His English is very good, but mine is .
6 She's sad and he's .
7 There will be many men but only women.
8 There's too much work and too time.

Vyberte správnou předložku.

1 Look at/on/to him. He's afraid at/to/of you.
2 She'll be back in/for/on an hour.
3 We'll meet in/at/on my place in/at/on the evening.
4 What are you doing in/at/on Monday?
5 It's half to/past/at six. I'm going to/at/for work.
6 That's the house at/of/to my parents.
7 Don't call me in/at/on night.
8 Where is he to/for/from?
9 I'll call you on/at/in the morning.
10 We go there on/to/at weekends.
11 It isn't far of/from/to here. We'll be there at/in/to time.
12 She'll be here in/at/to five p.m. I'll speak on/to/at her.

Speak se pojí s předložkou to nebo with (mluvit s někým). Speak to obecně naznačuje spíše snahu o jednostrannou komunikaci (mluvit k někomu, z pozice autority ap.). Např.: I'll speak to him. - Promluvím (si) s ním. (domluvím mu ap.). Speak with naznačuje hlavně dialog. Např.: I'll speak with him. - Budu s ním mluvit.

Doplňte podle kontextu správné tvary sloves.

1 A man is wait there for you.
2 Why are you sit here?
3 My brother speak four languages.
4 We're just work on it. It be ready soon.
5 My mum have no time.
6 Who know about it? I let you know.
7 How are you feel ?
8 They not be now. They be back soon.
9 Stop it! It's get on my nerves.
10 What are you read ? My dad read a lot.
11 I want see it. Can you show it to me?
12 We'll go shop tomorrow.
13 Mark enjoy his work.

České sloveso bavit (co, koho) lze často přeložit anglickým enjoy (těšit se z něčeho, užívat si něco) nebo like (mít rád, líbit se). Je však třeba mít na paměti, že proti češtině dochází u těchto sloves k obrácení podmětu a přísudku! Tedy ne, že něco baví někoho, ale někdo má rád / užívá si něco. Např.: “Baví mě to.” - I enjoy it. ap. Když něco někoho už nebaví, většinou se užije obratu be tired of ..., tedy, že už je někdo z něčeho unavený. Např.: “Už mě to nebaví.” - I'm tired of it.

Doplňte překlady vět.

1 Odkud jste? Where are you ?
2 Odjíždíme za 2 dny. We're in two days.
3 Bob má spoustu přátel. Bob a lot of friends.
4 Jane o tom ví. Jane about it.
5 Kolik je ti let? How are you?
6 Promiňte, že jdu pozdě. Sorry, I'm .
7 Vypadá to na déšť. It looks rain.
8 Neříkej mu to, prosím! Please tell him!
9 Uděláš to pro mě? you do it for me?
10 V kolik hodin přijdeš? What will you come?
11 Udělám, co budu moci. I'll do my .
12 Jak je vysoký? How is he?
13 Mohu dál? - Samozřejmě! Can I in? - Of  !
14 Mohu se tě na něco zeptat? May I you something?
15 Dnes večer jdeme někam ven. We're going out .
16 Přidáte se k nám? Will you us?
17 Bydlím v hotelu. I'm in a hotel.
18 Užij(te) si to tam! your stay!

Všimněte si, jak logicky jsou tvořena slovíčka: something - some+thing (nějaká věc - něco), nothing - no+thing (žádná věc - nic), everything - every+thing (každá věc - všechno) a anything - any+thing (jakákoli věc - cokoli). Podobně fungují slova somebody (někdo), nobody (nikdo), everybody (každý) a anybody (kdokoli). Snadno se tak naučíte hned několik užitečných slov.

Doplňte vhodná slova.

1 I'm not afraid him. He's my friend.
2 How is she? – She's 35.
3 What are the kids doing? – They're some games.
4 are you? – I'm fine. Thanks.
5 What's the like? – It's raining again.
6 He isn't here now. We will to wait for him.
7 We're waiting you! You are again.
8 He's ! – No, he's wrong!
9 Can I with you? – No, you'll stay here.
10 Sorry, I have no time. I'm very now.
11 I'll be back soon. Will you for me?
12 on! Hurry . You'll be late school again!
13 Shall we go bus or car? – We'll a taxi.
14 I'm leaving for London. – Have a safe !

Ke slovesu leave (odejít či odjet kam) se váže předložka for, ne to, jak by si Čech mohl myslet! Leave v podstatě říká, že někdo opouští jedno místo pro jiné. Např.: I'm leaving Prague for London. - “Odjíždím z Prahy do Londýna.” Pokud po leave následuje to, je to spíše částice uvozující infinitiv, který vyjadřuje účel. Např.: He's leaving Prague to work in New York. - Odjíždí z Prahy pracovat do New Yorku.

Řekněte anglicky.

1 Kam jedeš na dovolenou?
2 Nečekejte na mne.
3 Dejte se druhou ulicí vlevo.
4 Bydlíme v hotelu.
5 Zdržíme se tři dny.
6 Vezmeme si taxi.
7 Čekáte na někoho?
8 Přijdeš?
9 Chci navštívit přítele v Londýně.
10 Jsem Čech.
11 Půjdeme?
12 Požádám ho o pomoc.
13 Bude to stačit?
14 Co si dáte? (k jídlu ap.)
15 Jak dlouho to potrvá?
16 Nejsem připravený.
17 Budete muset počkat.
18 Je mi horko.
19 Vstupte!; Dále!
20 Šťastnou cestu!

Sloveso may meɪ znamená “smět”, ale užívá se také k vyjádření potenciální možnosti či nejistoty (možná, snad ap.). Např.: You may be right. - “Možná máš pravdu”, We may go to ... - “Mohli bychom třeba jít do...”, I may be back soon. - “Možná budu brzy zpět.” ap. Více viz tvary might a may v Lekci 14.